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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N79059

Name: Patagonia-3, Pat-3

ABRC stock number: CS79059

Description: Seeds from individual plants were collected from the field in 2010. These seeds were then grown in growth chambers and selfed F1 seeds were collected from one individual for which whole-genome re-sequencing data were also produced. Vernalization period of 30 days is required. Time to flowering without vernalization is 120 days.

Donation Date: 2015-07-22

Donated by:  Max-Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology Beth Rowan
Universidad de Buenos Aires Javier Botto

Donor Number: S3P36

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Comment: Donors: Javier Francisco Botto, Beth Rowan.

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Genus: Arabidopsis     Species: thaliana

Seed type: Ecotype

Background: Pat-3

Growth requirement: four to six weeks of vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering


Extremely late flowering; flowering time accelerated after vernalization; pronounced leaf serrations. Hyposensitive to red light and recalcitrant shade avoidance responses.

Ecotype data

Location: Patagonia

Habitat: Burned shrub steppe with a sandy loam soil


Altitude Min: 530

Altitude Max: 530

Latitude Min: -46.2378

Latitude Max: -46.2378

Longitude Min: -71.6447

Longitude Max: -71.6447